As a professional Private Investigator, you have the tools, training and skill set to handle the conventional cases. But what if that case leads you to a computer, a cell phone or a PDA? Do you have the tools and skills to retrieve deleted files and email? Can you recover these files without corrupting or compromising the evidence?
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment."
This is when you need the skills of a trained and certified computer forensics expert to obtain that vital evidence that’s hiding in cyber-world. The evidence you need to empower your client.
A computer can hold an astonishing amount of data, from information and images to chat room conversations. Deleted? Discarded? Concealed? That information you need is still there, lurking in the far reaches of technology and available to be investigated, examined and produced.
At CENCOM, our services include this kind of forensic examination and data retrieval as required in the gathering of evidence for legal actions and as needed by a professional private investigator.